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Your support, no matter the size, delivers a powerful impact!

Positive Work® serves as a bridge, connecting businesses, organizations, managers, employees, and volunteers, fostering inclusive environments where everyone can thrive, regardless of ability.

With your help, Positive Work® is approaching the $132,000 goal to produce disability-inclusive training modules by covering operational expenses, creating top-notch, on-demand workplace training materials, and collaborating with expert instructors.

Delivering engaging, empathetic, and informative content that cultivates positive and inclusive workspaces, available whenever and wherever you need it.

Additionally, your contributions help Positive Work® approach the $75,000 goal to produce nationwide awareness campaigns and experiences that motivate businesses and organizations to integrate Positive Work® into their workplace by covering operational expenses and enabling more hiring opportunities for people with Autism to Down Syndrome, ADHD to visual and hearing impairments, and a range of physical disabilities.